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Both a real-life courtroom thriller and a moving human drama, The Uncondemned tells the gripping story of a group of young international lawyers, activists, and Rwandan women who fought to have rape recognized as a war crime.


Both a real-life courtroom thriller and a moving human drama, The Uncondemned tells the gripping story of a group of young international lawyers and activists who fought to have rape recognized as a war crime, and the Rwandan women who came forward to testify and win justice for the crimes committed against them. This odyssey takes the crusaders to a crucial trial at an international criminal court, the results of which changed the world of criminal justice forever.

Join Human Rights Watch's Film Club for a special screening of THE UNCONDEMNED, followed by a Q&A and reception, in Santa Monica.
4pm | Doors Open. Meet & Greet with Sara Darehshori
5pm | Movie followed by a panel discussion
7pm | Reception